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Got a yucky bathtub?

Visit a home improvement store and you note that a new bathtub is inexpensive less than $200. How hard can this be to replace? But add in the cost of a contractor, demolition, removal, landfill fees, tiles, and a plumber, and the total cost of the job has ballooned.

You can install an acrylic liner, but it is still costly and it only covers up your bathroom problems. Compared to all that, refinishing your tub looks pretty good.

Your Options

  1. Replacement: Tear out your existing tub/shower and replace. What's the worst part of this? The demolition. Cost: $1,900 or more.
  2. Refinishing by Yourself: Refinishing is a hire-the-pro project. It is great for many things, but it is virtually impossible to do a decent bathtub refinishing job by yourself. Porcelain, fiberglass, and cast iron tubs can all be refinished.
  3. Tub Liners: At prices greater than refinishing, bathtub liners are not the bargain option. But they are always cheaper than full replacement, and unlike refinishing, you never worry about the finish wearing away.
  4. www.renovteyourtub.com: Some refinishing does take place off-site, but our company refinishing is done on site. Our refinishing technicians are highly aware of the fact that they are in a private residence, so we take precautions to minimize overspray and other mess. After masking and drop cloths are set up, the tub is repaired (nicks and holes filled), primed, sealed, and painted with a highly durable, glossy top-coat of any color you choose.


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